Country Road (I & II)
I’m driving down a country road
In the land I know so well
Next to me the river flows
Glistening in a sunny spell
A melody pops in my head
And I begin to sing
Don’t know where it comes from
Through an unexpected opening
You don’t write the music
But the music’s really writing you
Songs that seem to leave you little choice
Pick them up like children
And hold them gently in your arms
All they need from you is love and care
To find their voice
Driving down a country road
In the land I know so well
Next to me the river flows
Glistening in a sunny spell
The sky is blue and the fields are green
And the trees smile back at me
The magic when a song is born
Will forever be a mystery (3x)

Find My Way
Find my way
I have to find my way
One fine day
I’ll finally know the meaning of life
So many twists and turns
So many bruises and burns
A rocky road to climb
Through the mighty wheel of time
So many vows to take
So many wishes to make
So many candles to burn
So many things still to learn
And when we reach the end of the road
And lay down our load to die
We can only hope to be proud of the things
We did and the things we tried
Looking back on the journey we’ve made
I just wish that we like what we see
That some of our hopes and loves are fulfilled
And some of our thoughts are set free
Find my way
I have to find my way
One fine day
I’ll finally know the meaning of life (2x)
Find my way
I have to find my way
One fine day I hope I can say
I have found my way

Meanwhile Gardens
Near the Grand Union Canal
there is a garden green and small
If you don’t know where it is
you must first find the bridge
then follow the wall
It’s in that smallest of gardens
away from the busy Harrow Road
I used to wonder how long it would be
before I would be getting home
Sitting in the Meanwhile Gardens far from home
Wondering how long this meanwhile will last for me in London town
I ride my bike on the towpath passing the boats
that are moored in the sun
People are walking their dogs enjoying the Sunday afternoon
But when I arrive at the Meanwile Gardens
I sit on the bench and sigh
Wondering when this meanwhile will end
and I will say goodbye
Sitting in the Meanwhile Gardens far from home
Wondering how long this meanwhile will last for me in London town
All Right
Boom boom boom (2x)
Life is messy but I feel all right
So let us turn down the light
And fly into the night
Disconnect me from the outside world
I find it far too absurd
Won’t stick my nose in the dirt
I like keeping my privacy
A bit of anarchy
And then I’ll be all right, all right, all right
Don’t go messing with politics
‘Cause the world can’t be fixed
Without some dirty tricks
All I want is your company
You give me energy
And then I’ll be all right, all right, all right
Boom boom boom (2x)
Life is messy but I feel all right
So let us turn down the light
And fly into the night
All I want is your company
You give me energy
And then I’ll be all right, all right, all right
Hello World
Give me your hand little girl
And I will show you the world
Everything’s a surprise
All things are new in your eyes
Bright-eyed curious girl
say hello to the world
First impressions go deep
a lifetime to keep
All things go by their names
I am here to explain
Sounds and sights of the town
People running around
Bright-eyed curious girl, say hello to the world
First impressions go deep, a lifetime to keep
The wheel is beginning to turn
So many things still to learn
Soon you’ll be speaking the words
To find your way in the world
Bright-eyed curious girl
Say hello to the world
First impressions go deep
A lifetime to keep
Talking Bird
I don’t think I can take it anymore
If this goes on – sure there’ll be a war
You’re always talking to yourself
And never listen to anyone else
I’ve had enough, I think it’s time to go
Your goal in life is just to make some noise
You leave me with very little choice
The plugs in my ears don’t help
You keep on talking to yourself
There’s no way I can stand it anymore
How can I stop this flow of words
You’re like some crazy talking bird
They pour down from an empty brain
I feel I’m slowly going down the drain
Sorry, my patience has run out
Don’t care what you are fussing about
Now’s the time to cut the crap
Now’s the time to close your tap
I’ve had enough, I think it’s time to go (3x)
Nothing Happened
You looked at me and I looked at you
From opposite seats on the train
We knew that we would be travelling together for some time
Maybe I thought that something could happen
But who’s gonna make the first move?
You plugged your earphones in and I opened my book
What do you do about a fascinating person
Sitting across from you
Silently speeding on through an empty land
Finding the key to a conversation if you are in the right mood
But sometimes it’s just enough to exchange a few looks over your books
Nothing happened between you and me on the train to Amsterdam
Nothing happened and nothing remains but a smile on my face
Suddenly you stood up and stretched yourself
To walk down the corridor
I glanced up at your beautiful shape and your elegant moves
And when you returned you flashed a smile at me
for watching over your things
And I smiled back but by then I had spotted the ring on your finger
Nothing happened between you and me on the train to Amsterdam
Nothing happened and nothing remains but a smile on my face
And a face I will not see again
And not even remember (2x)
Aleppo Blues
Bombs raining down
on a Syrian town
Death in the afternoon
A broken child in its father’ arms
Hiding in the hospital ruins
The man with the wily grin on his face
His name has become a curse
His guns are booming and his soldiers sing
I’ll kill you but I’ll rape you first
Syria oh Syria, how broken you are
Bleeding from the wounds of this dirty war
Syria oh Syria, a city in ruins
Listen to your people cry
It’s the Aleppo blues
The shock, the horror, the insanity
The pain of the refugees
Wide-eyed children who have seen it all
The crimes of the human beast
The man with the wily grin on his face
His name has become a curse
His guns are booming and his soldiers sing
I’ll kill you but I’ll rape you first
Syria oh Syria, how broken you are
Bleeding from the wounds of this dirty war
Syria oh Syria, a city in ruins
Listen to your people cry
It’s the Aleppo blues (3x)
Little Girl
When you were a little girl
I read you stories on my lap
Now many years have passed
I’m holding your child instead
Sometimes it’s confusing
‘Cause she looks so much like you
The lovely little girl I knew
The same kind of stories too
The cycle of life has made its turn
The past comes back anew
I am reliving the precious days
That I was a daddy to you
And you may learn for the first time
What kind of a father I’ve been
Treating her much the same
Even calling her by your name
How we laughed and cried and said silly things
Forgetting what time would bring
That little girls grow up
How I held you and stroked your head when you cried
Not knowing the reason why
Forgetting ‘bout the storyline
That I will not be there, to know how the story ends
Now come to me little girl
And let me read the story again
And let me hold you
To fight the sadness within
‘Cause many years will pass from now
And you will grow up in turn
But I will not be there, to know how the story ends
No I will not be there, to know how the story ends
(flute solo)
Now I hold you and stroke your head when you cry
Not knowing the reason why
Forgetting ‘bout the storyline
That I will not be there, to know how the story ends
No I will not be there, to know how the story ends
Change the World
We have come together to change the world
Change it for the better, to make it work
Hear the bells are ringing, the bells of change
Calling us to turn this world into a better place
Something’s in the air, the time is right
To stand up for our values, and brace for the fight
If we stand together we can rock the world
We will have the power to make it work
Not for tomorrow
More than a day
But we are determined
To do as we say
We have the courage
We’re not alone
We have the power to lift the stone
No more bloodshed, no more fear and shame
No more poverty, not more of the same
Make it greener, make it more free
Make it more equal and peaceful to be
Not for tomorrow
More than a day
But we are determined
To do as we say
We have the courage
To put up a fight
We have the power to make things right
We have come together to change the world
Change it for the better, to make it work
Hear the bells are ringing, the bells of change
Calling us to turn this world into a better place
Into a better place, we’re gonna change the world (4x)
Into a better place